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October 31, 2023

To ensure a smooth experience with the latest version, please make sure the following dependencies are up to date:

Responsive design mode

device screen mode playground

A new dropdown is now accessible in the upper right corner of the preview panel. With this dropdown, you can adjust your screen size, ensuring that your content is responsive and behaves correctly in different screen sizes.

Environment variables for GitHub deployment

GitHub pages deployment section with env variables

In the GitHub deployment panel, you now have the capacity to add environment variables as secrets. These secrets help you manage reusable configuration data. They are created directly within your GitHub repository secrets. Our GitHub Pages configuration file is automatically updated to incorporate these variables, making them accessible in your source code after the deployment process.

A new permission for the GitHub App will be requested concerning secrets. It allow secrets creation on your behalf.

Managing array and object types in configuration UI

object and array types in app config UI

Now, you have the option to incorporate Object and Array types into your App Config schema. This means that you can empower Studio users to directly update key-value objects and custom arrays from the Configuration panel.

To learn how to generate a UI from your app.config.ts file and enable live editing of your website settings from your browser, please refer to this this section.

PDF & JSON media support

pdf file imported and display in the media gallery

You can now import PDF and JSON files into your media gallery and easily insert their corresponding URLs into your content files.

Automated pull-requests preferences

setting to trigger automated pull requests for studio dependencies

If you prefer to use custom tools like renovate to manage your dependencies, you have the option to disable the automatic upgrade dependency pull-requests triggered by Nuxt Studio. You can simply disable this functionality from your project's settings page.

Other bug fixes and improvements

This release includes several bug fixes and improvements, addressing the following issues:

  • Modified configs keys were missing in the command menu's current changes section.
  • Fixed the media input type in app config configuration.
  • Corrected highlight issues in YAML files.
  • Resolved issues with renamed repository hooks.
  • Fixed schema generation for app config.
  • Reordered preview blocks that were in the wrong order.
  • Fixed cases of empty previews.